Ανακοινώσεις και Νέα


In this study, two classes of students participated: one from Portugal was composed of 17 students, 8 boys and 9 girls with a mean age of 12.4 years, and a class from Greece with 16 students, 5 boys and 11 girls with average Ages 13.5 years. It was intended to study / compare BMI through the variables weight and height. Thus, the results showed that 11 Greek students are in the healthy BMI area defined by the WHO, for a smaller number of Portuguese students, only 7. In general we find that Portuguese students present inferior results compared to Greek students, That 4 Portuguese students present BMI values in the Overweight zone and 3 in the Lightness zone. We conclude that Portuguese students need to work harder on Physical Fitness and significantly improve healthy eating habits.

Carla Cadete" Ευχαριστούμε για τη συνεργασία. Συγχαρητήρια στα παιδιά για τη συμμετοχή και τη δουλειά τους.