τηλ. 2541081477
e-mail: gymgenis@sch.gr
Pupils with their teachers will research and present traditional and local dishes inside schools in a interdisciplinary way. Then, they will share these recipes with their partners. On the same time, they will present their country and their culture. As a conclusion, traditional dances connected to each school will be held on the local communities and on a common digital event. This project will be finish with mutual exchanges between partners in order to celebrate together European idendity and human values presenting their creations during this year. Something like an Erasmus KA2 simulation. Our motto: nobody is left out, let’ s have a total inclusion inside schools. A digital colourful magazine will sum up best works.
2023-2024 Γυμνάσιο Γενισέας. Drupal 7 Υποστήριξη Ιστοσελίδας: Λάκκα Ειρήνη ΠΕ0401